Advance as a Leader in Public Safety
SCPS Programs Provide You with Skills and Resources You Need
SCPS programs develop public safety leaders who navigate public safety challenges with innovation. From a program designed for experienced professionals who do not currently hold an undergraduate degree to a Master of Public Safety, participants will learn from experts in their fields. Courses spanning leadership, innovation and collaboration, will shift participants out of tactical learning and into strategy will inspire students to challenge traditional assumptions.
If the first step in your career advancement is earning undergraduate credit or completing your undergraduate degree, we offer two programs for you to explore.
Undergraduate credits earned in the National Criminal Justice Command Center program may be applied to the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree.
National Criminal Justice Command College
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree
National Criminal Justice Command College
Master of Public Safety

The program has been extremely challenging, but also thought-provoking. It’s called for us to think outside of the box and think about policing from a different perspective.