This flexible program makes it possible for working adults to complete a liberal arts degree from UVA on a part-time basis through evening and online classes.
BIS alumna, Marion Dobbins, credits her school experience with giving her the confidence she needed to pursue her dreams. Today, Dobbins is working toward her Ph.D. and has a book release planned.
Join us for an interactive webinar as we discuss new coursework for public safety professionals who want to complete a bachelor's degree 100% online through UVA's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Join us for an interactive webinar as we discuss new coursework for public safety professionals who want to complete a bachelor's degree 100% online through UVA's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
University of Virginia’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies and Center for Public Safety and Justice are pleased to announce the expansion of its bachelor completion program, creating a pathway tailored for public safety professionals.
Meet the new Director of Financial Aid, who will be a trusted resource, assisting students in navigating the world of financial aid and growing and improving opportunities for scholarship.
Assistant Chief Christopher Easton doubted he was "UVA material" but after approaching school later in life through the National Criminal Justice Command College, he has gone on to complete his bachelor's and master's degrees through UVA's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Read the story of two School of Continuing and Professional Studies who made time amongst work and family lives to study abroad. They want you to know that you can do it too!
Join us for an interactive webinar where we'll cover how to submit a strong application for our Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS)and Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management (BPHM) programs offered 100% online through UVA's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.